Notes/Terms of Use

Before using our store, please agree to the following terms of use. Please note that by using this service you are deemed to have agreed to the terms and conditions.

Use by those who fall under the following categories is strictly prohibited.

※Those under 18 years of age
※Persons related to organized crime groups or those who are considered to be equivalent to such groups.
※Those who slander, abuse, threaten, or commit acts of violence against our cast and staff.
※Those who bring in or are suspected of using drugs prohibited by law
※Those who have consumed large amounts of alcohol
※Those who have or are suspected of having a sexually transmitted disease, infectious disease, or blood disease
※Those who are forced to perform acts other than our course, perform actual acts, or are forced to perform actual acts.
※Acts such as photography and voyeurism
※Acts such as scouting and recruitment
※Annoying acts such as stalking or ambushing cast members
※Acts such as SM play with cast members without using our store as an intermediary
※In addition to the above, if we judge that our store is not suitable, we will refuse your use.